
Professional Updating

Over the past month or so, I've been slowly updating my website, CV, list of compositions, etc.

First off, let me say don't wait as long as I did. Some of the stuff has been sitting since last MAY! Oi...

Second, it has made me take stock of everything I've done so far...especially recently.

I've had over the last 2 or so years:

  • 5 commissions
  • 8 premieres (yeah, that's right, i wrote one piece that wasn't a commission. go figure. LOL)
  • 1 international paper presentation
  • A commission and release by a record label
  • 12 concerts of works (with at least 2 more lined up this year)
  • A public presentation of a recording
  • A piece "broadcast" as a part of an online edition of a literary magazine

Not too shabby. The line-up for the fall includes

  • Collaboration and Installation as a part of ArtSounds
  • Kick-off Concert for ArtSounds
  • more commission requests than I can easily handle
  • publication of a paper (just need to work on the formatting and send it off)
So, I'm not into the major world yet, getting 20+ performances a year, but last year I pushed it up nicely. 

The only thing to really take away from this is- don't wait to update your CV and website. Because, if you're growing more active, you'll just accumulate more things, and then when people ask you for a link for listening and you say "oh, jeez, um...i've got a recording on here somewhere..." it looks bad. Put stuff up as it comes in, even if you're busy.

Cause letting everyone else know you're busy makes you get even more busy

the cycle of busy, let it roll, let it roll

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