
when life gets in the way

From friday-sunday i worked a grand total of 32 hours, not including drive time, which would make the grand total 41 hours. i needed a weekend to finish this aria "Ev'ry Year", the final act of "Cake." I was home friday night at 8pm, however, since i had only slept 3 hours before working 7 and driving 4, i pretty much died. Saturday, worked 14 hours with 4 of driving. Sunday, worked 11 with only an hour of drive time...Got home at 8:30pm sunday, and pretty much died. Today was my day off. I hopped into work for 2 seconds to get a quote for a job i'm doin' in NY, then came home...and worked...

Worked my face off. like mad crazy. then, emily came home and worked ceased, cause, well, she's more fun. heheh. I picked work back up at around 11pm...been workin' ever since till now. How much is done?

13 measures...

how long is it? easily 3-4 times that.

This is not getting done before tomorrow noon...when i'll be in brooklyn. Even workin' on the bus, which i WILL do, period. I'm gonna be that ass with my stuff in the seat to make sure i have room for compy.

I'm going to have to pass out soon. its 2am and i can barely see the screen. However...

I'm nearly proud of what has been written. The closest i've been to proud on any work on "Cake." Almost got the combination of punk, metal, and post-tonal berg~esque opera for which i was going. Nearly. For being just piano its doin' alright. I decided that i needed a nice way to prove a form, so, i'm doing pedal tones throughout and roughly following a set form. I don't want to say what it is, rather have some theorist check it out after i'm dead and have him be like "wtf mate?" yeah, cause only a stereotypical Australian will like this piece. HA!

Anyway, i've got to pass out now. i'm dyin'. just hope i finish...I really...But this is what happens when life gets in the way. If i had any spare time this weekend when i wasn't so entirely exhausted, i could have either worked on the piece of worked on all the other things that needed to get done today. With so much to do, four days of work all piled up, i couldn't get it all done. not even the surface. Slowly, i'm running behind on life. Damnit, that's what i hate about juggling 2 jobs and being a full time student, all the while attempting to somehow write music...

Oh, not to mention i have a performance exam tomorrow evening over exercises i haven't even looked at. AND a writing assignment that i haven't begun. and i lead a discussion on wednesday. *sigh* full-time students that don't work always wonder why us workers complain about school work. Now they know...

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